Google Ads Account Management 2024

Google Ads Account Management 2024


Google Ads Account Management will save you money and get you business no mater what type, location, product or services more conversions for your budget with our monthly Google Ads Management.

What are Google Ads? How Do they Work?

The quickest & easiest way to get fast relevant website traffic is to open a Google ads account.

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords is the advertising system run by Google, where your adverts are displayed marked as “Sponsored Links” along side organic search results, in addition to Google Search your adverts can also be listed on Google’s Content or partner networks of related websites if you choose so.

Finding an Ads professional to take care of your Google Ads Account can save you money and time, employing a specialist ensures you are getting the best return on your digital marketing budget by bidding for the correct keywords as well as ensuring that your ads only run for any searches that may include the keywords you are bidding on as well as set days of the week and even times you want to ads to display on Google search results.


For example if you were bidding for placement for the search phrase Google adwords management because your business is Internet marketing, we would set up your account so that you Ad would run for the keywords Google Adwords Management but Not Google Adwords Management software because searchers using the latter phrase would be most likely looking for software that would allow them to make adjustments to their own bids.

We also work on improving your ads quality score by separating ad groups to individual campaigns. The more relevant your ad is to searchers, the higher your Adwords quality score and the higher your quality score, the lower your cost per click and higher position on search results.


Contact us for more details

We offer a Google Ads Account Management Service where we can do all the work for you, get more visitors to your site at a lower cost and convert more visitors to sales. We can also monitor click through rates (CTR) and insert conversion tracking code enabling us to see the keywords that have converted maximizing your ROI getting you more bang for your buck.

Website Builders Google Ads areas we work on include:

Google Adwords Account Quality Score

Did you know that keywords with a high quality score can cost 55% less than Googles benchmark price while keywords with a low quality score can cost up to 200% more than Googles benchmark price?

We keep your keywords quality score high by making sure they are relevant and provide the best user experience possible.

Google Ads Account Negative Keywords

We make sure your ads only show to people for searching for what you are offering. We do this by making sure that your ad will not show for key phrases that are not relevant to your offering.

If you are selling hotel rooms in Dublin, you do not want your money being wasted by people who looking for  hotel rooms in London clicking on your ads. We will make sure that your digital ads will display for keywords like “Hotel in Dublin” and not “Hotel in London”

Contact us for more details on Google Ads Management Services, We can create a management package to meet your unique business needs & requirements.

Example Google Ads packages we offer.

Google Ads Management Package One (up to €1000 per month Adwords spend)

This will include:


Setting up your account
Researching keywords
Researching and setting up your maximum budget.
Setting up keyword bids
Working to increase your ads quality score.
Landing page Optimization.
Account Monitoring
(A minimum of 5 monitoring visits)
Cost € 199 set up and €99 per month

Contact us for more details on +44 7869673110


This service can save you a lot of time & money on your online advertising budget, with no money wasted by overbidding on key words max price per click, Keyword types only showing in the correct location bring you qualified web traffic 24/7 if required.

Custom Packages


If you would like us to create a Google Ads management package customized to meet the demands of your business please contact us and we will be happy to help you increase the amount of exposure your business receives on Google search and partners.

For more details on these Google Ads Management services please Contact Us