Website Design Testimonials 2015-24

Website Services Ireland Testimonials 2023/24


“What Our Clients Say About Website Services Ireland – SEO PPC & Design ”

At website Builders Ireland Our clients Website design testimonials and website marketing testimonials using Pay Per Click and Organic Search engine optimization results speak for them selves.

Please read on for a selection of our website design testimonials 2023/24 from Dublin hotels Bricklayers in Brisbane, E-Commerce website design testimonial in Galway, retail shops in Cork, Restaurants in Dublin and medical practitioner websites.

“We asked 2 simple question to our clients prior to publishing our website design testimonial page”


Q 1) What do you think of Website Builders Ireland Website Design Service?
Q 2) What do you think of Website Services Ireland Marketing Solutions?


This is what they had to say about our website designs, Website online marketing and website services


Handyman Trade Website Design SEO Cork

February 2024

‘Website Services Ireland designed a basic website as I was on a tight budget, gave advice  & purchased the domain name they got everything working for me, it only took an hour to go through how I wanted the website to look and now I have my own website, in the first 2 weeks I got 14 calls for new jobs’.


Kenneth Ryan –


Restaurant Group Website Design PPC + SEO Dublin

January 2024

‘Jamie at Website Builders has a fantastic knowledge of Online Marketing and has helped our brands tremendously. He designs and implements website design and marketing strategies that have resulted in large sales conversions. I would highly recommend Jamie at Website Builders UK & Ireland’.

Gerard Melinn DirectorPrime Steak Restaurant Group

Hotel Group Website Design PPC + SEO Dublin

Website Builders Ireland took a short contract to oversee the SEO and PPC management for O’Callaghan Hotels in Dublin Gibraltar and Annapolis in the USA, this was extended to an ongoing basis which incorporated seven different sites in different country’s and different market mixes. During the time website builders setup oversaw and managed the PPC and SEO while the hotel group was undergoing a booking engine change and new website design. Jamie helped increase organic rankings of the websites and achieved a high ROAS and a high CTR % for conversions which increased direct hotel reservation bookings and revenue to the hotels own websites. We found that they brought a wealth of expertise to us in this online marketing and website design area and was great to work with and contributed to our growth in our very competitive online hotel market.

Bryan O’Callaghan CEO – O’Callaghan Hotel Group

Medical Website Design + SEO

Cork osteopath clinic had been searching for a website design company within a fixed budget and wanted a solution to build us a website that would be shown on google. Website built our new website in 4 weeks, asked us what we wanted to be listed for on google searches and I am very happy to say we are now page 1 number 1 on google for many different related searches for “osteopaths in cork”. Jamie made the process relatively simple and took the website design we had in mind on board. They are not the cheapest but we wanted an Irish company with a good understanding of medical websites. We have many inquires weekly via our website in person email and by phone.

Dr Victoria Ryan  – Cork Osteopath Clinic


Property Investment Website Design PPC + SEO UK

Hi Jamie, Really great to see that we are on page 1 number 4. Your input and the changes you made have certainly made a serious impact on our organic ranking which is exactly what we wanted to achieve. We were doing pretty much everything wrong until you stepped in to help.

Please tell me what other improvements you can help us with to further improve our ranking with other parts of our business.

Darren Brown CEO –  PCG Investment Property UK + USA